25 Years of Unwavering Dedication

In a world where dedication and compassion often go unnoticed, Sr. Kathy stands out as a beacon of selfless service and unwavering commitment. For the past 25 years, Sr. Kathy has dedicated her time and talents to working with communities experiencing poverty, creating lasting relationships and making an indelible impact on countless lives of the people of Guatemala.

Though slight in appearance and often seen walking with a cane, Sr. Kathy's presence is commanding. Her warm demeanor and assertiveness when necessary leave no doubt that she has things under control. Her ability to connect with people on a deeper level has endeared her to many, making her a beloved figure in the communities that she has served with.

Sr. Kathy's journey of service with GHM began in 1999, inspired by a transformative experience in Peru and Bolivia during the summer of 1998. In her personal statement from that time, she wrote about the "reawakening" of her commitment to Latin America. Despite not being a healthcare provider, she recognized value of her organizational skills and language proficiency, which she has brought to every Guatemala mission since.

Her life's work has been marked by a sincere love for the people she serves and an unwavering dedication to their well-being. In her second year in Guatemala, and first as the Guatemala team leader, she reflected on the spiritual renewal she found as an interpreter in 1999. She noted that, in addition to the spiritual benefits, she "simply had a great time" being part of the team.

Sr. Kathy's contributions go far beyond her linguistic abilities and organizational skills. Her personal statements from the early years of her mission work highlight her deep affection for the people she met and her joy in being part of the team. She has consistently offered more than just her skills; she has offered her heart and soul to the communities she serves.

As we celebrate Sr. Kathy's 25 years of service, we honor not just the milestones she has achieved but also the countless lives she has touched. Her dedication serves as an inspiration to all, reminding us of the profound impact one person can make through love, compassion, and unwavering commitment. Sr. Kathy's legacy is a testament to the power of service and the incredible relationships that can be forged through genuine care and dedication.